Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Menu

This year I will be hosting Christmas dinner at our house and am so excited to cook up a feast! I have been thinking about the menu for weeks and can't wait to put everything together. I am thinking about doing some kind of a roast, cornish game hens, saffron rice with sweet and sour barberries, a blend of Yukon gold and sweet potatoes with Gruyere cheese, grilled brussel sprouts and still need to come up with desserts and appetizers.

Growing up my mom only cooked Iranian food and rarely made things like turkey or mashed potatoes. We had a lot of lamb, basmati rice, amazing stews, and a poultry and fish prepared in ways you wouldn't dream of! My goal is to incorporate the flavors of Persian Cuisine when I make traditional American meals. Maybe a dash of turmeric in my turkey rub or a hint of saffron in the stuffing? It never hurts to try! Stay tuned to see how my Christmas feast comes out. I will be sure and post some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very tasty...
    How about something with Pomegranates for dessert?
    Keep us posted!
